« Quick walkthrough to SuspenseList in React

November 12, 2019 • ☕️ 2 min read


React 16.6 added a <Suspense> component that lets you “wait” for some code to load and declaratively specify a loading state (like a spinner) while waiting.

Here’s a quick glimpse of how the code looks:

React Suspense
React Suspense

Suspense for Data Fetching is a new feature starting from React 16.6 that lets you use <Suspense> to explicitly “wait” for, well, anything. It can wait for images, scripts, or other asynchronous work along with Data Fetching.


SuspenseList helps coordinate many components that can be suspended, by orchestrating the order in which these components are revealed to the user.

SuspenseList takes two props:

  • revealOrder (forwards, backwards, together) defines the order in which the SuspenseList children should be revealed.
  • together reveals all of them when they’re ready instead of one by one.
  • tail (collapsed, hidden) dictates how unloaded items in a SuspenseList are shown.
  • By default, SuspenseList will show all fallbacks on the list.
  • collapsed shows only the next fallback on the list.
  • hidden doesn’t show any unloaded items.

In short, SuspenseList can be used to load items, on at a time, in a defined order, or all together — for better user experience.

We can wrap multiple <Suspense/> inside <SuspenseList/> Tag.

Let’s Deep dive into the Demo example:

SuspenseList Example

In the above example, there is a div that displays a loader( ⌛️ ) until the apple ( 🍎 )emoji is loaded.

I’ve added a random setTimeout ( 🕰 ) to make the apple load at different time intervals. Thus the above example shows how we can use different props of SuspenseList to load items inside it according to our requirements.

⚠️ SuspenseList is experimental feature that are not yet available in a stable release. Don’t rely on experimental builds of React in production apps. These features may change significantly and without a warning before they become a part of React.

🔥Live Demo:

React App
_Edit description_n3818.csb.app

🚀 Github Code:

_Demo example for suspense list ⚠️ SuspenseList is experimental feature that are not yet available in a stable release…_github.com

Suspense for Data Fetching (Experimental) - React
_Caution: This page describes experimental features that are not yet available in a stable release. Don’t rely on…_reactjs.org

Happy Learning! 😄 💻

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